What to Expect
Focus on core stability and basic hand balancing technique no matter what level. A fun and unique way to train and improve your strength and skill base. You will push your limits and confidence and step out your comfort zone by trying new and exciting exercises.
Flexibility/ Mobility
A variety of training to allow you to reach your full range of mobility. You will work full body and receive unique and safe ways of really pushing yourself. Expect to use all different types of stretching techniques such as active, passive, and dynamic stretching to make you achieve full benefits for your session.
Using mainly a Bootcamp style training expect to leave your session sweaty and full of endorphins. Using many types of training methods to make the session exciting and challenging.
Classes are taught 1 to 1 or in a group and both are provided in Zoom sessions.
In a 1 to 1 program you will receive a unique and individual program alongside your session to aid progression and keep you motivated. Expect to learn new skills, push your limits, and test yourself.
In a group class you will receive a high energy and fun session. You will have individual correction and coaching but be surrounded by other enthusiastic students.
1 to 1: £50 (plus expenses if required to travel outside London)
1 to 1 online: £120 per month (1 session per week + program)
Group classes online: £12pp